- Orlando FA, Rahmanian KP, Byrd CE, Chang KL, Yang Y, Carek PJ, Lupi ME. Daily self-regulation with biofeedback to improve stress and job satisfaction in a primary care clinic. J Family Med Prim Care 2021;10(2):968-973.
- Mainous AG, Rooks B, Carek PJ. Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus colonization in the community and mortality risk among adults aged 40-85. J Am Board Fam Med. Accepted, September 2020.
- Carek PJ, Potts SE. Ongoing Self-Review and Continuous Quality Improvement Among Family Medicine Residencies. Fam Med. Accepted, April 2021.
- Mainous AG 3rd, Rooks BJ, Mercado ES, Carek PJ. Patient Provider Continuity and Prostate Specific Antigen Testing: Impact of Continuity on Receipt of a Non-recommended Test. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021 Mar 19;8:622541. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.622541. eCollection 2021.Front Med (Lausanne). 2021. PMID: 33816522.
- Carek PJ, Mims L, Kirkpatrick S, Williams MP, Zhang R, Rooks B, Datta S, Peterson LE, Mainous III AG. Does Community-or University-Based Residency Sponsorship Affect Graduate Perceived Preparation or Performance? Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 2020 Oct 1;12(5).
- Serena B Martin, Judith K Lucas, Molly Posa, Diane M Howell, Maria N Kelly. Talon Noir in a Young Baseball Player: A Case Report J Pediatr Health Care. Mar-Apr 2021;35(2):235-238. doi: 10.1016/j.pedhc.2020.10.009. Epub 2020 Dec 10.
- Agana DF, Striley CW, Cook R, Cruz-Almeida Y, Carek PJ, Salemi JL. A novel approach to characterizing readmission patterns following hospitalization for ambulatory care-sensitive conditions. JGIM 2020;35(4):1060-1068.
- Alkhamisi A, Carek S, Dillon M, Clugston JR. Atrial Fibrillation Induced From Commotio Cordis. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine. Published December, 2019.
- Bray SC, Carek PJ. How bitter taste influences nutrition and health in primary care. J Fam Med and Prim Care. Accepted, April 2020.
- Carek PJ, Mims L, Kirkpatrick S, Williams MP, Zhang R, Rooks B, Datta S, Peterson LE, Mainous AG. Does community or university-based residency sponsorship affect graduate perceived preparation or performance? J GME. Accepted, July 2020.
- Carek S, Clugston JR. Acute Sports-related Head Injuries. In: Carek PJ. Sports Medicine. Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice. Elsevier. Published online ahead of print October 16, 2019. PubMed PMID: 32014133
- Carek S, Clugston JR. Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice. Sports Medicine Issue. Head Trauma and Injuries. Elsevier. Published online ahead of print October 20, 2019.
- Carek SM, Edenfield KM, Carek PJ. Preparticipation Evaluation. Prim Care. 2020;47(1):1–17. doi:10.1016/j.pop.2019.10.001
- Haleem Z, Yadav S, Cushion M, Tanner R, Carek PJ, Mainous AG III. Exposure to N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET) Insect Repellent and Human Health Markers: Population Based Estimates from The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. Accepted, April 2020.
- Mainous AG III, Rooks B, Tanner RJ, Carek PJ, Black V, Coates TD. Shared care for adults with sickle cell disease: an analysis of care from eight health systems. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2019 Aug 2;8(8).pii:E1154.
- Mainous AG III, Xie Z, Yadav S, Williams M, Blue AV, Hong YR. Physician Cultural Competency Training and Impact on Behavior: Evidence from the 2016 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. Family Medicine, in press.
- Mainous AG III, Rooks BJ, Carek PJ. Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Colonization in the Community and Mortality Risk among Adults Aged 40 and Older. J Am Board Fam Med. Submitted, July 2020.
- Malaty J, Williams M, Carek PJ. Impact of Providing Data on Family Medicine Practice Management Education. Family Medicine. 2020 June. (52) 6: 432-434.
- Mitul Jones MD, Philippa Bright MD, Lucia Hansen MD, Olga Ihnatsenka MD, Peter Carek MD MS Promoting Physical Activity in a Primary Care Practice: Overcoming the Barriers. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, Aug 2019
- Nanavati M, Saenz S, Swayne K, Carek PJ. The Golden Letter: Innovative collaboration to reduce avoidable hospital admissions. J Am Board Fam Med. Accepted, May 2020.
- Porter M, Agana DF, Hatch R, Datta S, Carek PJ. Medical Schools, Primary Care and Family Medicine: Clerkship Directors’ Perceptions of the Current Environment. Family Practice. Nov 2019;18;36(6):680-84. DOI: 10.1093/fampra/cmz015.
- Rubin DA, Gravlee JR, Hatch R. Cramp fasciculation syndrome in Athletes: A report of two cases. Clin Case Rep Rev, 2019 doi: 10.15761/CCRR.1000466 Volume 5: 2-2
- Stefania Bray, Peter Carek, Case Report, Fissured Tongue, The journal of Family Practice, September 2019, vol 68 How bitter taste influences nutrition and health in primary care, submitted 11/19, American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine
- Vilaro M, Wilson D, Griffin L, Tavassoli F, Zalake M, Lok B, Modave F, Carek PJ, George T, Krieger J. Tailoring Virtual Human-Delivered Interventions: A Digital Intervention promoting Colorectal Cancer Screening for Black Women. Psycho-Oncology. Submitted, April 2020.
- Jesse Fenton1, Molly Posa2, Maria Kelly2, Kenneth H Rand, Stacy G Beal Impact of a Point-of-care Respiratory PCR Panel in a Pediatric Clinic on Postvisit Communication and Follow-up Visits Pediatr Infect Dis J 2020 Sep;39(9):e282-e283.
- Stacy G Beal1, Molly Posa2, Maira Gaffar1, Jennifer Reppucci1, Jasmine A Mack3, Matthew J Gurka3, Kenneth Rand14, Herbert Houck1, Maria N Kelly Performance and Impact of a CLIA-waived, Point-of-care Respiratory PCR Panel in a Pediatric Clinic Pediatr Infect Dis J 2020 Mar;39(3):188-191.
- Porter M, Malaty J, Rubin D, Agana DF, Hatch R, Seehusen D, Carek PJ. Seeking quality and attracting candidates: Residency program directors’ perceptions. Educ Res Appl. 2017 Nov;8:1-6. doi: 10.29011/2575-7032/100036.
- Porter M, Hagan H, Klassen RA, Yang Y, Seehusen D, Carek PJ. Burnout and resiliency among family medicine program directors. Fam Med. 2018;50(2):21-7.
- Porter M, Malaty J, Michaudet C, Blanc P, Shuster JJ, Carek PJ. Outpatient Referral Rates in Family Medicine. American Journal of Accountable Care. 2018 Mar;6(1):25-28.
- Nichole E. Stetten, Melanie G. Hagen, Ryan W. Nall, Katherine Vogel Anderson, Erik W. Black, Amy V. Blue. Interprofessional collaboration in a transitional care management clinic: A qualitative analysis of health professionals experiences. Science Direct. 2018 June 30. doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2018.06.006
- Jacobs K1, Posa M2, Spellicy W2, Otero J2, Kelly M Adult Caregiver Influenza Vaccination Through Administration in Pediatric Outpatient Clinics: A Cocooning Healthcare Improvement Project. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2018 Sep;37(9):939-942. doi: 10.1097/INF.0000000000001970
- Agana DG, Porter M, Hatch R, Rubin D, Carek PJ. Job Statisfaction Among Academic Family Physicians. Fam Med 2017; 49(8):622-5.
- Carek PJ, Malaty J, Dietrich E, Lombardi J, Porter M, Blanc P, Samraj G. Addressing hospital readmissions: Impact of weekly review. Fam Med 2016 Sept;48(8): 638-41.
- Mainous AG III, Tanner RJ, Scuderi C, Porter M, Carek PJ. Prediabetes screening and treatment in diabetes prevention: The impact of physician attitudes. J Am Board Fam Med. 2016 Oct;29(2): 283-85.
- Marlow NH, Malaty J, Jo A, Tanner RJ, Beau de Rochars VM, Carek PJ, Mainous AG. Hearing impairment and undiagnosed disease: The potential role of clinical recommendations. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2017 Jan; 60(1):231-237; doi:10.1044/2016_JSLHR-H-15-0373. (Peer reviewed)
- Mims LD, Porter M, Simpson KN, Carek PJ. The “July Effect”: A look at July medical admissions in teaching hospitals. J Am Board Fam Med. 2017;30(2):189-95.
- Agana DG. Re: Primary care patients’ willingness to participate in comprehensive weight loss programs: From WWAMI region Practice and Research Network. J Am Board Fam Med. 2017; 30(2):264.
- Carek PJ, Anim T, Conry C, Cullison S, Kozekowski S, Ostergaard D, Potts S, Pugno P. Residency training in family medicine: A history of innovation and program support. Fam Med. 2017;49(4): 275-81.
- Baldonado A, Hawk O, Ormiston T, Nelson D. Transitional care management in the outpatient setting. BMJ Qual Improv Reports. 2017;6: doi:10.1136/bmjquality.u212974.w5206.
- Bowman MA, Lucan SC, Rosenthal TC, Mainous AG, James PA. Family medicine research in the United States. Fam Med. 2017;49(4):289-295.
- Barker PC, Scherer J. Illness Trajectories: Description and Clinical Use. Fast Facts and Concepts #326. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2017 April; 20(4): 426-427.
- Hale AJ, Nall RW, Mukamal KJ, Libman H, Smith CC, Sternberg SB, Kim HS, Kriegel G. The Effects of Resident Peer and Self-chart review on Outpatient Laboratory Result Follow-up. Academic Medicine. 2016 May; 91(5):717-722.
- Rieser KN, Rosenberg EI, Vogel Anderson K. Evaluation of the appropriateness of direct oral anticoagulant selection and monitoring in the outpatient setting. Journal of Pharmacy Technology. 2017;33(3).
- Modave F, Cardel M, Bian J, Rosenberg E, Mendoza T, Bhosale R, Maeztu C, Rodriguez-Durbin C. DiaFit: the development of a smart app that empowers patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity. JMIR Diabetes. 2016;1(2):e5.
- Rivkees SA, Kelly M, Lodish M, Weiner D. The Pediatric Medical Student Research Forum: Fostering Interest in Pediatric Research. J Pediatr. 2017 Sep;188:3-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2017.06.001. Epub 2017 Jun 20.
- Otero J, Posa MR, Kelly MN. Rectal Bleeding and Abdominal Pain Following Vaccination in a 4-Month-Old Infant. Case Rep Pediatr. 2017;2017:9461315. doi: 10.1155/2017/9461315. Epub 2017 Jan 9.
- Carek PJ. Educating nurse practitioners and physician assistants in the family medicine practice: We need a thoughtful and focused team-based approach. Fam Med. 2016;48(5): 343-4.
- Carek PJ, Mims LD, Conry CM, Maxwell L, Greenwood V, Pugno PA. Program director participation in a leadership and management skills fellowship and characteristics of program quality. Fam Med. 2015;47(7): 536-40.
- Carek PJ, Malaty J, Dietrich E, et al. Addressing hospital readmissions: impact of weekly review. Family Medicine. 2016 (in press).
- DeCastro A, Carek PJ. In Bope ET, Kellerman R (ed). Conn’s Current Therapy 2016. Waltham, MA:Elsevier;2016:632-636.
- Harle CA, Listhaus A, Covarrubias C, Schmidt SOF, Mackey S, Carek PJ, Fillingim RB, Hurley RW. Overcoming barriers to implementing patient-reported outcomes in an electronic health record: A Case Report. JAMIA. 2016;23(1): 74-79.
- Matheson EM, Cerbo T, Carek P, Hueston WJ, Allen C. Evaluating the effectiveness of simulation training in the MUSC family medicine residency program. J SCMA. 2015;111(1): 24-27.
- Mims LD, Everard KM, Hall K, Hatch R, Malaty J, Rubin D, Agana DF, Carek PJ. Family medicine clerkship directors’ influence on the residency program selection process: A CERA study. Fam Med. 2016;48(2):108-13.
- Phipps EJ, Chacko LR, Fassbender JE, Allison KC, Sarwer SB, Wallace SL, Tan-Torres S, Bowman MA, Wadden TA, Kumanyika SK. Provider views of the feasibility and utility of lifestyle obesity treatment in primary care: Insights from the Think Health! Study. European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare. 3 (1): 77-82, 2015.
- Porter M, Diaz VA, Gavin JK, Zacarias A, Dickerson L, Hueston WJ, Carek PJ. Cost and utilization. Hospitalized patients on a family medicine service. South Med J. 2015;108(6): 364-9.
- Porter M, Mims L, Garven C, Gavin J, Carek P, Diaz V. International health experiences in family medicine residency training. Fam Med. 2016;48(2): 114-2-.
- Sacino AN, Shuster JJ, Nowicki KW, Carek PJ, Wegman MP, Listhaus A, Gibney JM, Chang LK. Novel application of a reverse triage protocol providing increased access to care in an outpatient, primary care clinic setting. Fam Med. 2016;48(2): 136-9.
- Hale AJ, Nall RW, Mukamal KJ, Libman H, Smith CC, Sternberg SB, Kim HS, Kriegel G. The Effects of Resident Peer- and Self-Chart Review on Outpatient Laboratory Result Follow-up. Acad Med. 2016 May;91(5):717-22.
- Sheu L, O’Sullivan PS, Aagaard EM, Tad-Y D, Harrell HE, Kogan JR, Nixon J, Hollander H, Hauer KE. How Residents Develop Trust in Interns: A Multi-Institutional Mixed-Methods Study. Acad Med. 2016 Oct;91(10):1406-1415.
- McPhie A, Merkel K, Lossius M, Giordano BP, Kelly MN. Newborn Infant With Epidermolysis Bullosa and Ankyloglossia. J Pediatr Health Care. 2016 Jul-Aug;30(4):390-5.
- Giordano BP, Tuli SS, Ryan SF, Stern M, Tuli SY. Crouzon Syndrome: Visual Diagnosis. J Pediatr Health Care. 2016 May-Jun;30(3):270-3.